Purpose of Foundation - It was the intent of Clare G. Perry to establish, fund, and maintain a non-profit corporation for religious, educational, and benevolent purposes. The foundation's most recent initiative is grants to other non-profits.
- Nonprofit, tax exempt organizations with certified IRS 501(c)(3) public charity status.
- Public entities including traditional public schools, and churches with on-going well defined programs for the elderly. All grants to churches will be matching grants.
- Organizations receiving grants must be located in Pamlico County with at least 80% of their clientele being citizens of Pamlico County.
- A primary focus for grants will be to serve populations with special needs that are not otherwise being fully served.
All proposals will be presented in a detailed letter clearly identifying the people in Pamlico County to be served by their organization. Any supporting documentation including budgets may be attached to the letter. The better the need is defined, the greater the chances of funding. A copy of the tax exemption letter from the IRS must also be provided.
Grants will not usually be awarded when they are the total means of financial support. Collaborative efforts and matching grants are encouraged.
Grants will not be made to the following:
- Organizations not located in, or providing services, and benefits directly to the citizens of Pamlico County.
- Individuals
- Political Campaigns
- Activities that influence legislation
- Religious organizations seeking funds for theological purposes
Awards will be determined based on available resources and the number and quality of applications submitted. The total amount awarded for all grants by the Perry-Griffin Foundation in any fiscal year will be dependent on resources available to the Foundation after all other foundation requirements have been satisfied.
A report outlining how grant funds were used must be provided after all funds have been expended. Future participation in the Perry-Griffin grant process is dependent on this documentation being provided in a timely manner.
All applications must be provided in hard copy and mailed to The Foundation by the deadline of June 30, 2025.
Perry-Griffin Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 82
Oriental, NC 28571